It’s a wonder! We got a new mattress today after I don’t know how many years. Mattress shopping made me wonder how in the world my husband and I have managed to share the same bed for our 36 years of marriage. In the early days we were so poor, we didn’t have a lot of options. His dad bought our first bed – a waterbed. They were all the rage back then and if you had one, you know why our generation is marked by fortitude and success. There was no such thing as ordering a bed online, waiting Keep Reading...
What Does This Look Like?
Does this look like a bowl? It is a bowl but it’s not just a bowl. It’s a reminder of young love. When my husband and I were engaged, he was living about two hours away from me. He was just starting out in his career and I was finishing up my last semester of college. For Valentine’s Day that year, I wanted to make him a nice dinner and one of his favorite desserts – a cheesecake. I drove to his apartment and let myself in while he and his roommate were working. The neckties and dress socks Keep Reading...
What the World Needs Now
I was swimming laps in my pool trying to beat the already almost unbearable Texas heat last week. I was on my back kicking across the pool when a sight in the sky stopped my swimming and started my thinking. I quit kicking and floated on my back - looking up. Way above me were white trail marks of airplanes and I watched a large bird lazily fly back and forth with the white streaks as its backdrop. A few yards above me, a mockingbird flew by. As I watched the two birds in the sky above me, a Keep Reading...
So You’re Working From Home – Tips to Help
Day two of social distancing found two of my adult daughters sitting by the pool and my husband working from home. I was trying to keep busy as the world seemed to be changing around me by the minute. I sprayed the weeds in my beds, applied pre-emergent and attempted to clean out the gutters. When I walked out back with the pooper-scooper, one of my daughters said, “Mom, you have a lot of jobs.” As I did my dog-owner version of an Easter egg hunt, I thought about her comment. And I thought Keep Reading...
Choose Wisely!
For Valentine’s Day this year, I posted a picture on social media of my husband and I dating and then one of our current family – with kids and grandkids. Accompanying the pictures in the post, I wrote, “Choose wisely Valentines! This (dating pic) could turn into this (current pic) if you are as fortunate as I am!” But then I got to thinking and that got me to writing. I feared my quote could be misconstrued. I didn’t just Keep Reading...
The Veteran Who Never Was and Why
This is the story of a man who wanted to serve his country but never got the chance – because of sacrificial love. We rode in silence. He had his thoughts. I had mine. When my uncle died several years ago, I had the honor to be charged with the task of getting my 96-year-old grandfather, who I called Papa, to the funeral. My Papa lived nearly five hours away from the town where his son would be buried so we had a lot of time in the car together. I had wonderful relationships Keep Reading...
A Dead Cow and Young Love
Jack and I hadn't been dating long when we drove from his hometown back to college. We took a casual route on some back roads. I had my feet on the dashboard, singing along with the radio and enjoying the gentle, rolling hills when Jack said, “Look at that dead cow on the side of the road!” It was bloated and on its back. Feet sticking straight up. “Let's stop and take a picture with the cow,” were the next shocking words that came out of Jack’s mouth as he slowed the car. “Noooo, it’s Keep Reading...
Where Did Bing Crosby Go?
I heard a guy talking about how his 40-something-year-old wife didn’t know who Bing Crosby was. When he mentioned Bing, she immediately thought of Chandler Bing from the popular 90’s show, Friends. This same guy’s 12-year-old son is an avid sports fan so during the “parenting process,” the dad used what he thought was an excellent sports analogy evoking the unparalleled success and popularity of Michael Jordan. The dad was so proud of his ability to give an example his child would latch on to Keep Reading...
How to Keep Your Valentine
Today is my 29th year with my Valentine. We have been married for over 26 years but we traded silly bears holding hearts, chocolate and flowers for a few years before we married. What is the secret to keeping a Valentine that long? Here are my top four: 1 ~ Go to bed mad sometimes. Yes, I just said that. And I can hear the collective gasp from the Biblically astute folks and know they are asking, “Doesn’t she know the Bible says not to let the sun go down on your anger?” Yes, I do know Keep Reading...
Mr. Magoo
Pio came into my family’s life when he befriended my brother while they were in medical school. He grew up in the Philippines but came to America to go to medical school and since his family was so far away, our family took him in as one of our own – including him in our family celebrations and holidays. Before I tell you a story about Pio, I need to let you know that everyone was okay. So feel free to chuckle as you envision the scene… Pio was driving his car down a highway and saw a car Keep Reading...