Don’t forget to have fun! Seems easy enough. I have the cutest little grand-girl who is an explosion of emotion, laughter, and silly dances. She is fearless when she “cowabungas” into the pool. But she has hated boating, and that is extremely unfortunate because we are a “boating family.” This little grand-girl has cried for the past several years every time we say we are going boating. She doesn’t like loud noises or bumpy boat rides. Until this summer! The first time we planned to take Keep Reading...
Searching for Sand Dollars
I can’t believe I haven’t told him before now. I’ve known him for 37 years and haven’t told him a very pivotal story in my life. A turning point. A tipping point. I’ve shared a bed with him for nearly 35 years but I never told him the story until this week. If you haven’t guessed, who “he” is, it’s my hubby. And this week he heard the story. This week we were sitting on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean enjoying some pre work trip together time when I decided to take a nighttime stroll along Keep Reading...
My Struggle with Change – It’s Real
I’m not very good at change. Change is hard for me. Very hard. Twenty years ago when my mobile phone slid off the console in my car and into my cup of coffee, I went to the store to get another one. Wait, did I type “mobile phone?” Yes, I did because twenty years ago that is what they were called. They were phones to use when we were mobile. No one understood what a cell was back then. Anyway, when the young guy helping me opened my phone and coffee spilled out onto the counter, he told me Keep Reading...
An Inchworm and Kindness
Be kind. Everyone keeps saying, “be kind” but I am not seeing much kindness being spread around these days. Several things have happened in my little corner of the world the past few weeks making me grow grumpy and struggling to find the positive – and for this Pollyanna-ish person, that is a rarity. Years ago when I was in college, I ordered a salad from Wendy’s. You read that right; I ordered a salad at Wendy’s instead of a single with cheese, no tomatoes with fries and a diet coke. At Keep Reading...
Is the Best Really Yet to Come?
I heard it again this weekend. “The best is yet to come!” Is it? Is “the best” really on the horizon? “The best is yet to come” has become a popular saying from the pulpit, a meme, a catchy catch phrase. It's meant to encourage. And maybe even to sell books. I'm all about encouraging people. I want people to look forward and not behind. I want them to look on the positive side of things. I like the flower - not the thorns. I like the half full glass - not the half empty glass. I like Keep Reading...
Showing Up
This week something popped up on Facebook. I don’t know who the original poster was or even remember who shared the post but I clicked and got sucked into the post - and the comments. Always the comments... The post was titled “Just Show Up”and was about a mom who hated her body but put on a swimsuit so she could be with her kids. The gist of the post was about not worrying about our physical appearance because the kids don’t care. They just want us to be there for them. The gal’s post Keep Reading...
Our Own Queen
This is a post from last year but in honor of Mother's Day, I decided to post it again because it seems even more fitting on this special day. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. Last week was full of “Royal Talk” due to the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. News channels, tabloids and social media were full of “Royal Talk.” Like so many others around the world, I watched the Queen of England make her entrance clad in her lime green outfit and take her place for the Keep Reading...
Choose Wisely!
For Valentine’s Day this year, I posted a picture on social media of my husband and I dating and then one of our current family – with kids and grandkids. Accompanying the pictures in the post, I wrote, “Choose wisely Valentines! This (dating pic) could turn into this (current pic) if you are as fortunate as I am!” But then I got to thinking and that got me to writing. I feared my quote could be misconstrued. I didn’t just Keep Reading...
Snow Biking – Really, that is a “Thing”
Okay, just the title, Snow Biking, tells you this will be a ridiculous story (with a good ending so keep reading.) Snow and biking should never be in the same sentence. Seriously. But I learned that the hard way. Yes, I went snow biking. For my fellow Southerners, let me explain what the heck snow biking is. Snow biking is when you get on what southerners would call a mountain bike except it has super fat tires with super thick tread – for the snow! I was at a resort somewhere in Keep Reading...
Going and Coming and Coming and Going
Today's bike ride reminded me of something I wrote a few years ago. When I ride my bike, there is a two-mile stretch as I leave my neighborhood that is it relatively flat. By Northerner’s standards it would most definitely be considered flat. But in Texas, our guidelines for flatness are a little different. In Texas, anything with an elevation is a hill. On this two-mile stretch ~ with only a slight hill ~ the road is flanked by pastures most of the way. If there is any sort of a breeze, it Keep Reading...