I have two short stories today to finish up my Christmas Capades. Both of the stories involve moving to a new town. I’ll start with the most recent. When our three daughters were teenagers, we moved to a new town. We knew it was a hard time to make a move so I was thrilled when my oldest daughter came home and asked to join an organization called Symphony Belles. The Belles handed out programs and ushered at the local symphony events and would also learn manners and leadership skills. So we Keep Reading...
Christmas Capade #2
To say Christmas was a big thing in my family growing up is a huge understatement. HUGE. When Hubby and I were engaged, I thought it would be a good idea to take him home with me for Christmas so he couldn’t claim I didn’t warn him after we were married. My family did NOT disappoint. My Dad met us as we got off the plane in a green and white Santa suit! My nephews might have been wearing reindeer antlers. That was in the days before 9/11 when whole families would wait for someone to get off Keep Reading...
Christmas Capades
During the month of December, I’m going to share some of my Christmas fiascos and failures. I won’t retell the story of Hubby leaving the gas pump in the car when he drove off but you can read it here. Hopefully, the stories will not only make you feel better about yourself and your family but also remind you what is important during the holiday season. I took this picture at the Denver airport recently because it reminded me of a story... Imagine a young mom flying without her husband Keep Reading...
Surprise Harvest – Tomatoes and Souls
I have a hidden garden. The garden I plant veggies in every spring is on the side of my house I don’t see every day. During the spring when I am excited to see the plants sprout and produce, I make a habit of peeking around the corner. But by July in Texas the plants are scorched and my enthusiasm for checking on my plants has burned out so I don’t check on the garden very often – or at all. When I say I have a garden, you should know I pretty much grow salsa. I try to grow a lot of other Keep Reading...
Midnight Musings About…Frogs
That last trip out back with the dog is when I see the frogs. Rarely at eight o’clock or 10 o’clock. It’s usually closer to midnight. Not sure who is to blame. Me, the dog or the frogs. I probably should blame the dog because if he wasn’t such a “GI dog,” he could go out on his own. If you missed the blog about my “GI dog,” you can read it here. Back to my midnight musings about frogs. If you read my last, lengthy post about “Mom Jeans,” you know I promised to keep this short... so let’s talk Keep Reading...
Mom Jeans
Raise your hand if you’ve bought jeans recently. Really, comment with an emoji if you recently went jean shopping. Except if you’re a guy. Especially if you’re a guy who wears Wranglers. If you’re a guy who wears Wranglers, not only don’t raise your hand but go ahead and put your hand in your pocket. Wranglers haven’t changed in 40 years. If you’re a guy who is a pastor of any type at a hip church, you might want to raise your hand because you’ve probably followed the fads. I recently went Keep Reading...
Shoes, Mushrooms and Marriage
I’ve spent the past two weeks at my parents' home caring for my father after he had a fall. Though it’s not the home I grew up in, some of the rules and expectations my dad had when I was growing up followed him to this home – causing me to revisit some of my teenage trials and tribulations. My dad and I butted heads a lot when I was a mouthy teen. I always attributed our conflicts to us being a lot alike and after learning about the Enneagram, it is confirmed. Dad and I are very similar. I Keep Reading...
A Good Summer Read
Recently a friend sent me a book she picked up at an airport. She told me it made her laugh out loud on the plane – embarrassing her husband. “Enjoy it. It’s a good summer read,” she said. What exactly is a “summer read?” A little googling informed me that “summer reads” are light so you can take them on vacation and not get caught up in the story in case you need to throw your book down and jump in the ocean waves or lake. What if I want to read a “light” book in the dead of winter while Keep Reading...
Stairway to Nowhere
Way back when we used to travel with ease, before life came to a screeching halt because of a virus, I joined my husband on a business trip to Milwaukee. As a non-beer drinker, I won’t lie and say I wasn’t a bit concerned when I heard we were staying at a hotel with the words Brewhouse in the title. I envisioned a stale beer smelling hotel. But I was wrong. I guess paint can cover a lot. The boutique hotel turned out to be a pretty cool renovated brewery - the original Pabst Blue Ribbon Keep Reading...
My View of America – From a Plane
I’ve had the opportunity to travel to 40 of the US’s 50 states. More if you count Puerto Rico. I have traveled across the country via plane, motorhome and car. I’ve driven from Texas to Idaho, Arizona to Texas (don’t recommend that one), Texas to Florida and back (with a carload of kids), Connecticut to Texas, Idaho to Oregon and Washington, Colorado to Arizona and probably made ruts in the road between Texas and my families’ homes in Colorado. I’ve visited Canada, Mexico, Italy, Spain, China Keep Reading...
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