Today is a BIG day! I didn’t know it was a big day. It started out as a regular day.
A friend let me know there was a typo on my blog. I tried to blame the web designer and then realized it was something within my control. Not completely my fault but…within my control.
So, a quick log into my website turned into a walk down memory lane (to fix the typos) and I realized I started my blog 11 years ago TODAY! Today is the 11thanniversary for my blog. What?
On one hand, it seems like I have accomplished very little because I waxed and waned with my consistent blogging and all the good bloggers know inconsistency is the kiss of blogging death. And then I thought, “Well, I never stopped.” (Hey, that’s the glass half full girl of my most recent blog rearing her head. If you missed it, you can read it here – with typos corrected.)
I started my blog to share how the chaos in our lives has purpose and can encourage others. My life was chaotic with three girls, dogs, a husband who traveled a LOT and random animals that terrorized and intrigued me. Some things have changed. Some have not.
Today, it felt like I should post a blog but I pondered whether I even have chaos in my life. If I do, it seems pretty controlled. And then I thought about my day and realized maybe I have just grown used to the chaos.
Yesterday, I got home from a day trip (6 hours on the road and several meetings) and fell in bed around midnight. My alarm was set for 6:20am but a loud clap of thunder was followed by four little feet hitting the ground above me as my grand-girls jumped out of bed and made their way to find me.
The day had begun.
After a few minutes in bed with a dog and the grands, I gave up all hope of a few more minutes of sweet slumber. Blurry-eyed, I passed the coffee and took the girls upstairs to get dressed for school and attempt to tame thick, curly hair.
And then the smell. The dog decided going outside to poop was scary in the rain and thunder. Upstairs must have been a better option so before 6:30am I was heard to say, “Girls, move over so I can put Copper’s poop in the toilet.” (Note, I have blogged about Copper and his antics more than once so IYKYK.)
Off to school they went. Dishes. Laundry. Errands. A Meeting. Just another day.
It’s 8pm, I haven’t eaten. The grands haven’t bathed and there might be a popsicle stick on the sidewalk.
So, 11 years later, there is still chaos. I’m still chuckling – in spite of it all.
I’ve decided to share a few personal pics of our “lately” chaos. No pretty “Canva” pics.
Thanks for chuckling with me!
PS – I’m keeping the grand girls for a few days while their parents take a much needed trip. I will be handing some of the chaos back to them in a few days.
It’s how you roll girlfriend😀 and you do it well❤️
Love it! And happy anniversary!
Thanks for being on this journey with me!