Is God really good? Last week our family said good-bye to my sister-in-love and friend. Since my husband’s mother died when he was just two years old, his sisters became mother figures to him so he lost his sister, mother and friend. My sister-in-love was an aunt and a grandparent to my three girls. She will be greatly missed and I don’t have adequate words to convey the depths of the sorrowful hole she leaves in our hearts and family. At her funeral service, there was a message touching Keep Reading...
Pieces of Santa
A few weeks ago when my husband and I were traveling to a different state for a college football game, we were touring the town’s quaint square filled with shops and restaurants. Even though it was only October, when my daughter spotted a “unique” Santa figurine that looked like it needed to be added to my collection, I bought it. The salesgirl wrapped it up (and I use that term "wrapped" very loosely) and she put it on the bottom of the bag. I had wondered off during the bagging of the Santa Keep Reading...