I have a hidden garden. The garden I plant veggies in every spring is on the side of my house I don’t see every day. During the spring when I am excited to see the plants sprout and produce, I make a habit of peeking around the corner. But by July in Texas the plants are scorched and my enthusiasm for checking on my plants has burned out so I don’t check on the garden very often – or at all. When I say I have a garden, you should know I pretty much grow salsa. I try to grow a lot of other Keep Reading...
I’m a SAHM and I’m Not Good Enough
One of my daughters recently told me “they” say stay at home moms – or SAHMs – do the equivalent of two and a half jobs. As a SAHM, I always suspected that was the case – if not a little low. I was glad to know “they” are now saying what SAHMs have always known. I googled “how many jobs do stay-at-home moms do” and, lo and behold, there was an article in the New York Post validating the job equivalency for SAHMS. My daughter brought up the studies because she thought since I am an Keep Reading...
Quarters in the Mall 2.0
For all of those parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles that watched their children, grandchildren, and other relatives graduate from kindergarten, elementary school, high school and college recently... When my girls were “stroller age,” we went to the nearby mall often. Not so much to shop but for entertainment. In the middle of our mall was a big carousel. My oldest daughter loved to ride it (and my less adventuresome second daughter liked to watch her older sister ride it.) We even had Keep Reading...
I’m So Mad!
I am so mad! Really, I’m not mad at all. But if you ask my teenager or young adult children, they will tell you I am mad. Why do they say that? Because when I text, I use periods at the end of sentences. Oops! I did it again! And, I reply to texts with “K” instead of “ok!” or Okay! Or Okie dokie! Or :) :) !!!!! But never “OK!” because that is yelling! I’ve also learned not to respond with “sure.” Apparently, that has negative connotations and people think I’m mad. Somehow, I Keep Reading...
Baby Bird, Baby Bird
It’s that time a year when baby bunnies and baby birds are venturing out. Today I was driving through a neighborhood and saw a little bird in the middle of the street flapping its wings. I thought it was hurt until I got closer and realized it was probably just in the middle of flying lessons. I was sure there was a momma bird sitting in a tree overhead chirping out flight instructions. I learned the hard way not to get involved with this procedure. Once, I found a similarly aged little Keep Reading...
The Whole World Can’t Be Wrong
My oldest daughter was learning to drive several years ago so when we drove from Texas to Colorado, I thought it would be good experience for her to drive when we went through the Texas Panhandle. In that region of Texas, the roads are straight, wide and seem to go on forever. Her driving permit was fairly new and West Texas seemed like a pretty safe place to practice highway driving. The first hour passed without much conflict. (For those of you who have driven with a strong-willed teen and Keep Reading...