For all of those parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles that watched their children, grandchildren, and other relatives graduate from kindergarten, elementary school, high school and college recently... When my girls were “stroller age,” we went to the nearby mall often. Not so much to shop but for entertainment. In the middle of our mall was a big carousel. My oldest daughter loved to ride it (and my less adventuresome second daughter liked to watch her older sister ride it.) We even had Keep Reading...
Quarters at the Mall
For all of those parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles that watched their children, grandchildren, and other relatives graduate from kindergarten, elementary school, high school and college recently... When my girls were “stroller age,” we went to the nearby mall often. Not so much to shop but for entertainment. In the middle of our mall was a big carousel. My oldest daughter loved to ride it (and my less adventuresome second daughter liked to watch her older sister ride it.) We even Keep Reading...