Be kind. Everyone keeps saying, “be kind” but I am not seeing much kindness being spread around these days. Several things have happened in my little corner of the world the past few weeks making me grow grumpy and struggling to find the positive – and for this Pollyanna-ish person, that is a rarity. Years ago when I was in college, I ordered a salad from Wendy’s. You read that right; I ordered a salad at Wendy’s instead of a single with cheese, no tomatoes with fries and a diet coke. At Keep Reading...
Snow Biking – Really, that is a “Thing”
Okay, just the title, Snow Biking, tells you this will be a ridiculous story (with a good ending so keep reading.) Snow and biking should never be in the same sentence. Seriously. But I learned that the hard way. Yes, I went snow biking. For my fellow Southerners, let me explain what the heck snow biking is. Snow biking is when you get on what southerners would call a mountain bike except it has super fat tires with super thick tread – for the snow! I was at a resort somewhere in Keep Reading...
Oh, Great!
Recently, there have been a few head scratching, jaw dropping, “are you kidding me?” stories in the news that reminded me of a time when... I hurriedly backed out of the driveway. Late, again, to get the girls to dance lessons. “Oh, great!” I mumbled as I put the car into park. “I forgot something.” My seven-year-old daughter in the back seat asked, “Mommy, why do you always say, “Oh, great!” when things aren’t great at all? Well, that stopped me in my tracks. I realized I exclaimed, Keep Reading...
Mr. Magoo
Pio came into my family’s life when he befriended my brother while they were in medical school. He grew up in the Philippines but came to America to go to medical school and since his family was so far away, our family took him in as one of our own – including him in our family celebrations and holidays. Before I tell you a story about Pio, I need to let you know that everyone was okay. So feel free to chuckle as you envision the scene… Pio was driving his car down a highway and saw a car Keep Reading...