You may have heard my new Christmas book is here! But maybe you didn't, so I'll say it again. My new book is now available on Amazon! I came home last weekend after a long day of running around and checked the mail. My book was there, so I sat down and asked my husband to snap a quick pic. My co-author, Laura Reimer - who writes at Journey Onward, was doing the same with her people. No fancy marketing plan. Just pure excitement of seeing our dream come to fruition. Laura and I hatched our Keep Reading...
Coming Soon!!!
Eek! I've got another book coming out! My friend, Laura Reimer, who writes at Journey Onward, and I teamed up for a Christmas book. We combined our writing efforts and created a book of short stories to help you get into the Christmas spirit. Journey Onward and Chuckles in the Chaos have collided to bring you Journey through the Christmas Chaos - A Collection of Short Stories. It'll be released next week! Double eek! Laura and I met at a writer's conference in 2017, and our friendship grew Keep Reading...
Christmas Capade #3 – The End
I have two short stories today to finish up my Christmas Capades. Both of the stories involve moving to a new town. I’ll start with the most recent. When our three daughters were teenagers, we moved to a new town. We knew it was a hard time to make a move so I was thrilled when my oldest daughter came home and asked to join an organization called Symphony Belles. The Belles handed out programs and ushered at the local symphony events and would also learn manners and leadership skills. So we Keep Reading...
Christmas Capade #2
To say Christmas was a big thing in my family growing up is a huge understatement. HUGE. When Hubby and I were engaged, I thought it would be a good idea to take him home with me for Christmas so he couldn’t claim I didn’t warn him after we were married. My family did NOT disappoint. My Dad met us as we got off the plane in a green and white Santa suit! My nephews might have been wearing reindeer antlers. That was in the days before 9/11 when whole families would wait for someone to get off Keep Reading...
What Snowman Noses Taught Me About Holiday Cheer 2.0
When I first married, I started a Santa collection. It didn’t take me long to figure out that there wasn’t a lot of variety when it came to Santas. They were all pretty much wearing red suits trimmed in white fur, were fat with a long beard and twinkling eyes. So I switched my collecting efforts to snowmen - and snowwomen and snow boys and snow girls. I have snowmen made out of square blocks and ice cubes. I have snowmen standing on their heads, roasting marshmallows, and decorating a moose Keep Reading...
What Snowman Noses Taught Me About Holiday Cheer
When I first married, I started a Santa collection. It didn’t take me long to figure out that there wasn’t a lot of variety when it came to Santas. They were all pretty much wearing red suits trimmed in white fur, were fat with a long beard and twinkling eyes. So I switched my collecting efforts to snowmen - and snowwomen and snow boys and snow girls. I have snowmen made out of square blocks and ice cubes. I have snowmen standing on their heads, roasting marshmallows, and decorating a moose Keep Reading...