“Bloom where you are planted” was cross-stitched into a picture and hung in my Gram’s kitchen. My family laughed about it because she wasn’t planted anywhere long enough to bloom. She flipped houses before flipping houses was cool. My grandfather was a true traveling salesman and more than once he returned home on a Friday evening to find a For Salesign in his yard. I thought it was fun to visit a new home nearly every time I visited her and though I have many of her characteristics that is Keep Reading...
What a Three-legged Dog Taught Me
A few days ago I went for a bike ride. Because of my diagnosis, my family and friends worry about me when I ride. I question whether I should be riding since I am due to have a procedure on my knee soon. Why not just wait until I recover? I was pedaling along thinking, “Why am I even doing this? In a few weeks I will have a procedure that will make it impossible to ride for weeks – maybe months. What’s the use?” And then I looked over and saw a couple walking a dog. The dog was kind of Keep Reading...
It Smells Like…
My oldest daughter did what every college student wants to do as soon as they move out of their parent’s home. She went to the mall and bought a genetically inferior puppy she could not afford nor had the time to care for. Then she did what all of those parents that have gone before us warned us she would do – she brought the dog home to us because she could not afford it nor had the time to care for it. In our daughter’s case, it was only going to be for a month while she traveled the world. Keep Reading...