While others are posting about their word for the year, I have determined my “not word” for 2023. Hear me loud and clear – I have absolutely NO problem with people having a word that is their focus for the year. I love the idea and fully support it!
Unlike those who pick a focus word every year, I don’t pick a “not word” every year. In fact, I have only done it once – in 2019. My “not word” that year was Busy and you can read about it here if you want.
Back to my “not word” for 2023. It is FINE. While I am fine and life is fine, I’ve decided fine is not good enough. For me, last year was full of changes and uncertainties. The Lord spoke to me the changes would be fine.So we sort of adopted that word and found ourselves saying, “It’ll be fine.” a LOT.
How was work today. Fine.
How is the move going. Fine.
How is the rental house. Fine.
How are you doing. Fine.
Life is fine.
A few days ago, I got tired of “fine.” It really doesn’t quite describe our life and I told my husband we need to pick some new adjectives. If we were writing an English paper and “fine” was the only adjective we used, we’d flunk.
How was work today? Really good. I got a lot accomplished and things are moving in the right direction.
How is the move going? The move was harder than expected but we have been so blessed to live near our kids and grandkids. It’s fun to see them on a regular basis and we are meeting new friends.
How is the rental house? Well, the first one drove me nuts because I only had a brick wall for a view but this new one is much better. Even though the storage is lacking, I have a nice front porch I can sit on and have even met a friend that way. And the area is fun to have nice restaurants and wooded hiking trails all within walking distance.
How are you doing? I’m good. Oops, that’s too close to fine. Um, I’m finding my new stride and am hopeful for the upcoming year and all that it holds.
Life is fun, challenging, unpredictable, predictable, stable, unstable, joyful and sorrowful.
Now you’re wishing I simply said “Fine” aren’t you?
Jesus gave up His life so I could live an abundant life – regardless of my circumstances. If I’m just living a “fine” life, am I living an abundant life? I don’t think so.
I’m a firm believer that our thoughts or focus determine our attitude and outlook. I’ve always looked for the good. The positive. Give me that half full glass!
I have a friend who always answers the question of “How are you?” with “Fabulous!” and a smile even when her life or circumstances are anything but fabulous. Fine would never be her answer.
So, I’m going into 2023 not fine. I am excited about the future. I am content with the present. And I am grateful for the past.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10
How about you? Are you fine? Or better than fine?
P.S. If you read my last post, you’ll be relieved to know that Joseph is fine…I mean, Joseph is spectacular since his head was reattached.
I like that–think I’ll work on that, maybe even turn “not too good “to “all is well”1`
Good idea! 🙂
Well Said Shelly!