I’m so grateful for the flood! Not the Noah’s Ark flood - though I should be grateful God chose to save mankind and the animals He created. But that’s not the flood I’m referring to. I’m grateful for the flood we had for about four straight years in the house where I grew up. Specifically, in my bedroom, my sister’s bedroom and our shared bathroom. Now that I think about it, the boys’ rooms never flooded and they never had their rooms torn up. Wait, that’s probably an issue to discuss with a Keep Reading...
Beach Day with God
Several of my friends are facing very hard things in their lives right now. These trials reminded me of my beach day… Stay strong and brave, friends! Last spring, my husband and I were fortunate enough to be taken on a trip around the coast of Spain. We didn’t really know anyone on the trip very well so one day we found ourselves at the beach by ourselves. I wanted to go to the beach but my husband – I’ll call him Jack (because, well, that is his name) – did not care to be at the beach but I Keep Reading...